Business Profile



To improve people’s lives by engaging in quality-committed, resource efficient, people friendly and

nature sensitive development.

While others go global, we also go local.

While others lust for foreign lands, we link with our hinterlands.

While others shoot for world-class, we aspire for people class.

While others transform landscapes, we blend into them.

While others build mega projects, we build communities.

While others challenge nature, we respect it.

While others displace people, we build homes for them.

While others rationalize their heavy-handedness, we go for the light touch.

While others go for the spectacular, we go for the home-made.

We all make money, of course, but we choose where to earn our profit from.

We call it responsive and responsible development.


To be a living definition and world-class model of a Total Holistic Development Company; widely admired for

innovative ideas and practices; with an impressive track record of projects across the country; respected even

by competitors; a well-known advocate and practitioner of sustainable development; influential in the

shaping and alignment of public opinion and of public policies to its philosophies and advocacies; with a large

country-wide customer base; with a happy, highly- motivated, high-performance personnel; highly profitable

and fast growing; and with publicly-listed shares considered investment-grade by the market.


Customer Supremacy

The Company’s success in growing and prospering depends on its success in satisfying its customers.

Personnel Fulfillment

Our personnel are the Company’s most critical internal resources. It is they who, individually or collectively, determine whether the Company satisfies its customers in a cost-efficient way, and whether the Company will be profitable and expansive. Our aim is to provide our people with a career they find personally fulfilling.

Stockholder Satisfaction

Profit is essential to survival and growth. Thus, the Company takes care to ensure the correctness of its strategy, and brooks no compromise in the quality of its products and services and in the productivity of its resources and operations.

Cooperation, Concern and Commitment

The Company fosters a spirit of teamwork, collaboration, coordination, participation and communication in the process of planning, decision-forming, policy-making, plan implementation and control. It is a spirit of relating productively with all our stakeholders: our customers, our leaders, our teammates, our Company as an institution and as a community of people, our stockholders, the communities in which we operate, our government, and others.

Passion for Excellence

We aim for excellence in everything we make, build, sell and do, and in everything we are or strive to be. Excellence to us is not just an ideal. It is an obsession and a passion.


Shareholdings Structure

As of December 31, 2024

Par Value  PhP 1.00 per share 
Authorized Capital Stock  2,000,000,000 shares
Issued & Outstanding Shares 1,050,461,673
Listed Shares   1,050,461,673
Exchange Where Listed  Philippine Stock Exchange
Number of Shareholders 2,867